Industries We Serve 

Andrew has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, engaging in product development typically involving an understanding of underlying molecular biology mechanisms. We now represent universities and private enterprise in inventions directed to nucleic acid chemistry, genetics, protein chemistry, cell biology, enzymology, and related topics.

Medical Devices
Medical devices typically blend mechanical features, electronics features, and some kind of mechanical element for the treatment of disease or another therapeutic purpose. Some of the areas we have been involved in include inhalation therapies, orthopedics, drug delivery systems, visualization technologies, diagnostic devices, and stents, to name a few.

Pharmaceutical industry patenting is a core technology of ours. Andrew has a Ph.D. in organic chemistry and many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in a product development and patent searching role. This includes experience with both innovator companies and generics. We are experts in small molecules, methods of treatment, pharmaceutical formulations, new uses for old molecules, and Hatch-Waxman (generic drugs) counseling, Orange Book reviews, and opinions. Look to us to understand the technology and the law in this space.

Consumer Products
Consumer products often range from low-tech to high-tech, and frequently involve other core areas for us, including chemistry and mechanical devices. We have successfully prosecuted many such patents, including cleansers, household mechanical gadgets, and water treatment devices, to name a few.

Andrew has a Ph.D. in chemistry and speaks your language and understands your technology. You can rely on us for expert advice and patent skill. Some of the areas we have worked in include cleaning chemicals, thermoset adhesives, and plastics, to name a few.

Many of our clients come to us with mechanical inventions, ranging from simple household gadgets to complex industrial equipment. With our technical skill, we can quickly and efficiently handle these issues.